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Why Does Every Restaurant Need A Closing Checklist?

bookkeeper bookkeeping bookkeeping services clean up bookkeeping quickbooks restaurant restaurant bookkeeping restaurant management restaurantaccounting Aug 26, 2020

When the restaurant is officially done for the day and the last customer has gone out the door, the next task to be completed awaits – closing.

Closing is arguably one of the most important components of restaurant management and organization. It is the time where your staff is left with the assignment to tidy up and restore the clean state of the restaurant to prepare for the next working day.

There are tons of things the staff must get done before ending their shifts for the day. All these daily procedures, even the most obvious ones, can sometimes be forgotten.

his is where a reliable restaurant closing checklist comes to the rescue. By keeping an orderly list of duties within reach, you can ensure that no tasks, big or small, are left undone. It is a helpful tool that keeps staff accountable, and helps maintain the smooth operation of the establishment, safe for both employees and customers.

Above all, restaurant checklists are easy to make and convenient to use. Usually printed out on paper and laminated, an employee can easily check the items off the list as they proceed to the next task.

The duties included in these checklists are commonly divided into three categories: a front of house checklist, a back of house checklist, and a manager checklist. It is the priority of the staff members to make sure someone has done and completed the respective tasks assigned to their team by the end of the shift.


Front Of House & Bar Closing Checklist
The front-of-house and bar staff team is generally responsible for restoring the cleanliness of the workplace, organizing the things left untidy and making sure the restaurant is well-stocked and safe. Tasks to start off this checklist might include:

¤ Wipe and sanitize the tables and chairs clean
¤ Flip chairs on top of tables/tuck chairs in place
¤ Return tables to position following the floor plan
¤ Sweep and mop floors, entryways, etc.
¤ Clean non-slip mats behind the bar
¤ Clean spills underneath the grates
¤ Clean and plug beer taps
¤ Empty out any and all trash cans
¤ Wipe down checkbooks and menus
¤ Wipe and sanitize all surfaces (the bar, the host stand, and POS tablets)
¤ Polish glasses and roll silverware
¤ Shine glass surfaces and windows
¤ Turn off the dining room and bar lights

¤ Clean pouring spouts from liquor bottles
¤ Tightly seal open wine bottles
¤ Take inventory on liquor and mixers
¤ Restock liquor and canned drinks in fridge
¤ Refill bar garnishes

¤ Lock alcohol cabinets, if used
¤ Lock all doors, including any of the restricted areas
¤ Close all windows

¤ Return tools and equipment to their designated spot
¤ Put all menus in the menu holder
¤ Refill napkin dispensers and salt and pepper shakers

¤ Make sure everyone reported tips and distributed tip-out when applicable
¤ Close out the floor and bar cash register and store in a safe location

Back Of House Closing Checklist
The staff group assigned to the back of the house must ensure the cleanliness and orderliness of the kitchen areas by the end of the day. Tasks recommended to have in this checklist might include:

¤ Wipe down all kitchen surfaces
¤ Remove non-slip mats and clean them
¤ Sweep and mop kitchen floor clean
¤ Put back non-slip mats
¤ Empty kitchen trash cans out
¤ Wash and/or sanitize all cooking tools and utensils (cutting boards, hotel pans, etc.)
¤ Clean all prep areas and line stations
¤ Scrub the flattop clean
¤ Change fryer oil
¤ Clean and restock the staff bathroom
¤ Tidy up the break room

¤ Disinfect food preparation stations
¤ Check and double check inventory
¤ Consolidate food containers of the same kind
¤ Date and label all food that hasn’t been categorized
¤ Organize food in correct storage areas
¤ Toss all the contents of any containers found over 5 days old in the fridge
¤ Restock all line stations
¤ Store any and all perishable foods in the fridge or freezer
¤ Tightly shut all other fridges or freezers
¤ Make prep list for tomorrow’s prep cook based on what’s left

¤ Return kitchen tools and equipment in the designated places
¤ Empty dishwasher and put everything back to its place
¤ Make sure walk-in is cleaned and organized following food safety standards (from floor to top shelf: raw poultry, raw seafood or fish, raw meat, cooked chicken, meat, seafood, and fish, sauces and prepped dish components, produce)
¤ Rotate inventory in the fridge (the cardinal rule of restaurant fridge organization, FIFO — first in, first out. The oldest items in the fridge should be placed in front of their storing shelves, so they’ll be consumed first)

¤ Verify temperature of freezer and fridge
¤ Turn off all fryers, ovens, and stoves
¤ Properly keep away sharp kitchen tools
¤ Make sure all kitchen equipment is off
¤ Check if employee lockers are locked
¤ Make sure back doors are closed

General Restaurant Manager Checklist
Restaurant managers administer daily business operations and supervise employees and other needs. The duties listed in their checklists might include:

¤ Walk around the whole restaurant, making sure everything is clean, or being cleaned.
¤ Collect linens and prepare them to be sent for washing

¤ Greet every employee goodbye
¤ Check employee clock-in and out times
¤ Fill out manager log book if anything notable happened during shift
¤ Create and post staff schedule for the next day
¤ Take notes on staff performance

¤ Answer emails, online reviews, and social media posts for the day
¤ Tidy up the back office
¤ Organize incoming deliveries
¤ Take care of any outstanding paperwork
¤ Organize upcoming maintenance to equipment

¤ Match and compare the sales report from your POS with the money in the register and the credit card receipts
¤ Check sales data and create a report for the business day’s sales
¤ Address any outstanding checks or orders
¤ Make deposits
¤ Double-check for any voids or comps
¤ Pay any and all bills that are due

¤ Make sure the office is locked and the computer is off (and password is active)
¤ Double check every exit if each are locked, and lock the restaurant on your way out
¤ Activate security system alarms

With such important chores that are in need to get done at the end of the workday, they may be difficult to remember at times, causing it to confuse you and spiral out of control.

By simply having a closing checklist conveniently in place, it can completely change the way business is done in your restaurant. Your staff can also multitask and quickly complete these tasks with ease before leaving for the day.

Schedule a free 15 minute conversation so we can see if we can help you with your business!

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