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How To Deduct Your Restaurant Business Travel Expenses

bookkeeper bookkeeping restaurant accounting restaurant bookkeeping Oct 17, 2023
How To Deduct Your Restaurant Business Travel Expenses

Running a restaurant business can involve a fair amount of traveling. Sometimes, you’ll have to travel to source ingredients, attend food-related events, or expand your culinary horizons. The good news is, a lot of your restaurant business travel expenses can be tax-deductible. In this blog, we'll guide you through the process of deducting your travel expenses. We are here to help you save money and grow your business more effectively.

How to Deduct Business Travel Expenses: Do's, Don'ts:


Understand What's Deductible: 

To successfully deduct your restaurant business travel expenses, it's essential to know what qualifies as a deductible expense. Generally, you can deduct expenses that are both ordinary and necessary for your business. Deductible expenses for a restaurant includes the following:

  • Transportation costs (airfare, mileage, rental cars, etc.)
  • Accommodation expenses
  • Meals and entertainment
  • Business-related meetings, events, and seminars
  • Tips and gratuities

Hiring a bookkeeper will help you maximize deduction - We will make sure you’re tracking your expenses accurately.


Always Keep Detailed Records:

It’s crucial that you maintain accurate and detailed records, in order for this to work. Proper record-keeping is crucial when it comes to deducting your travel expenses. You must create a system to track all your expenses, including receipts, invoices, and notes about the business purpose of each expense. Using accounting software or mobile apps can simplify this process and make it easier for you to stay organized.


Be Mindful While Determining Your Travel Destination:

To qualify for deductions, your restaurant business travel must be related to a legitimate business purpose. So, it’s important to ensure that your travel destination serves a purpose: Consider attending events like a food expo, conventions/seminars for restaurant owners, visiting suppliers, or meeting potential investors. The IRS requires that your travel be primarily business-related.


Calculate Deductible Travel Expenses:

Once you've gathered all your records, calculate the deductible expenses. The IRS offers two methods for calculating your travel deductions: the actual expense method and the standard mileage rate. You can choose the one that best suits your situation. 

  • Actual Expense Method: This method involves tracking all your actual expenses, including gas, lodging, meals, and other costs. Keep detailed records of these expenses.
  • Standard Mileage Rate: With this method, you deduct a standard amount per mile driven for business purposes. The IRS typically updates this rate annually, so be sure to use the most recent figure.
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You Must Keep Your Personal and Business Expenses Separated:

It's important to maintain a clear separation between your personal and business expenses. So, never mix your personal spending with your restaurant business travel expenses, as this can lead to complications during tax time. You have enough on your plate to keep you busy, let’s not add more stress to your life.


Understand Per Diem Rates:

Let’s dive in! per diem rates are daily allowances for meals and incidentals while traveling. The IRS sets specific per diem rates for various locations. Using per diem rates can simplify your deductions, as you won't need to keep detailed meal receipts. However, you must still document the time, place, and the reason for your business trip.


Seek Professional Advice:

Tax regulations can be like a jungle that’s constantly changing (making it easy for you to get lost). It's a good idea to consult with a tax professional who can help you navigate the rules and regulations specific to your situation. They can provide guidance on what you can and can't deduct and ensure that you're maximizing your deductions within the law.


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To Sum this All Up:

Deducting your restaurant business travel expenses can significantly benefit your bottom line. The first portion is that you truly understand what qualifies as deductible for your restaurant business. Next, you must maintain accurate records! The great news is, we will help you maintain accurate records for your restaurant business. Start by Booking A FREE 15-Min Call Today.

Last but not least, always follow the IRS guideline. You should be taking full advantage of the tax benefits that are available to you. You must always remember this, tax laws can change, so consulting a tax professional is a wise decision to ensure you're always in compliance and that you’re making the most of your tax deductions. With the right approach, you can minimize your tax liability and continue to grow your restaurant business successfully.


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