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Get To Know Your Bookkeeper

bookkeeping Jul 27, 2020

Hey there! I’m Chris – – the founder and owner of The Food Bookkeeper also known as CBA Bookkeeping. I am a virtual bookkeeper specializing in restaurant bookkeeping living in the beautiful state of NH and have 3 awesome children – one getting married in just a few weeks, one about to graduate college and my last is a senior in high school.

With a Bachelor degree in Business Math from Penn State University, I entered the world of Mutual Funds…after many years, I decided to pivot and start a Meal Assembly/Catering business because of my love for cooking. I grew that business for 12 years…in that time, I also purchased an existing pizza business and grew that business for 4 of those years. When life got so crazy with kid activities and 2 businesses, I decided to sell the businesses separately and start The Food Bookkeeper.

From loving math class in high school, working for Mutual Fund companies, and doing my own bookkeeping for the catering and pizza business, numbers are something that I am truly passionate about! I am extremely detail-oriented so I feel like I am right at home being a bookkeeper.

I am a QuickBooks Certified Pro Advisor and use both QuickBooks Online and QuickBooks Desktop for my bookkeeping services.

The biggest benefit I offer to Restaurant Owners, my clients, is that I have been on both sides – I owned and grew a Catering business as well as a Pizza business for many years and I also know what is needed to understand your numbers and what you need for your financial statements. One of my favorite parts about this career has been the business relationships turned friendships. My hope will always be to help you feel confident with your finances while also making it enjoyable. It’s the best feeling to know where you stand with your business!

We offer 3 services: Full Charge Bookkeeping – we handle everything financially related to your restaurant…from paying all bills, accounts receivable, meal tax, reconciliation, monthly reports, etc. The second level is our Monthly service – we reconcile your books at month-end close out your books as well as provide monthly reports. And the final tier of service, is we are excited to announce we are creating a course we can offer to smaller restaurants that feel they can still work on the day-to-day tasks of the restaurant as well as do their own bookkeeping.

Schedule a free 15-minute conversation so we can see if we can help you with your business!


Ready to transform your restaurant's finances? Whether you need Monthly Bookkeeping, a Catch-up Bookkeeping service, or want to embark on our DIY Bookkeeping Course, we've got you covered. Have questions or need more information? Don't hesitate to reach out. Let's talk about how we can support your business. Schedule your FREE 15-Minute Call today and let's get started on your path to stress-free bookkeeping!